Hebden Bridge print and recovery

hebden print blog

What a winter it has been! So much flooding in the UK. My hometown of Hebden Bridge did not go unscathed either, the Boxing Day floods were awful and some businesses will take quite a while to be up and running again. BUT, lots of businesses are open and lots are doing pop up shops. There are enough cafes open for a nice bit of cake and pubs for Sunday lunch, so please visit this beautiful valley as it will help it get back on its feet.

In the days and weeks that have passed since the floods the community spirit has been phenomenal and people have travelled from far and wide to help. Just amazing! I made this screen print (with the proceeds going to the Flood Relief), to echo the help Hebden Bridge has received and to say Thank you.

I have sold out of my first print run, but I have signed the prints as an edition of 50, so I can make a few more if there is demand.


All the cats I have known..progress

So a while ago I started a project called ‘all the cats I have known’ with the idea to develop illustrations around this title. I thought it would be nice to have little stories about the cats that have been in my family.

However I really struggled with how to draw them, my previous attempts here were hit and miss, Odie (my old cat) fairly good, Billy (my current cat) not so good! Also the idea was to use these illustrations for products and cards therefore I felt they needed to be a bit friendlier.Here are my new drawings, a little bit stylised but I think nearer to my aims..

billy blog


wolfy blog


I hope you like them.